1. The password can be refreshed using the ¬Forgot Password¬ option on control panel login page
2. Hosting Controller users are stored in operating system. You may reset user password from ¬Computer Management¬ under ¬Administrative Tools¬. Only host can reset password using ¬Computer Management¬.
To refresh password using ¬Forgot Password¬ option, follow these steps:
- Open control panel login page. It is usually http://YourDomain.com:8077.
- Click on Forgot Password link. Provide your user name in User Name box and click on Mail me my Password button.
Note: Hosting Controller can not retrieve the original password from operation system, therefore a new random password will be generated and emailed at the email address of the user provided in his ¬Personal Profile¬ under ¬Preferences¬.
To refresh password from Computer Management, follow these steps:
- Open Computer Management. To open Computer Management, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management.
- In the console tree, click Local Users and Groups. click Users.
- Click the user account you want.
- Click Action, and then click Set Password.